Workplace Mediator

Brief-therapist, BBA, MTi

Workplace mediator and solution-focused brief therapist Sanna Fäldt (BBA, MTi) is an expert in change management, interaction skills, and collaborative leadership. Before becoming an entrepreneur in 2019, she worked for 15 years in communication management roles at Evli Bank, Citycon, and Deloitte.

Workplace mediator and developer

Sanna serves as Bravers’ developer and workplace mediator in complex change and conflict situations within organizations. She helps managers and experts as a coach to recognize their growth opportunities and a solution-focused path forward. As an organizational developer, Sanna is commended for her ability to understand clients’ complex situations and collaboratively build effective solutions.


She combines expertise in human interactions, psychology, mindfulness, and business. Her passion is bringing people together to calmly explore challenging situations and find the most effective way forward. She accomplishes this both as a mediator in conflicts and as a developer in stalled team situations. As a person, Sanna is easily enthusiastic, genuine, determined, and empathetic.

Books that Sanna has written:

Nauti työstäsi! Naisen voimakirja työelämään (Bazar Kustannus, 2019)

Pirjo ja Tyyne – Kesytä sisäiset äänesi (Bazar Kustannus, 2021)

Sydämellä töissä (Avain, will be published 3/23)

Said about Sanna F:

“Sanna is approachable, convincing and knows what she's doing. She does not preach, but inspires people to think in a good way. The trainings are not "bulk", but tailored for us. Sanna is always on board whole heartedly, which can be seen and heard!"

+358 40 533 4034