Developing Leaders
and Teams


Refining Collaboration by Exploring Common Practices

A functioning team consists of diverse individuals. Where there are different people, there are inevitably a variety of perspectives and ways of working. To seamlessly integrate each individual’s unique abilities and skills to serve a common goal, it’s beneficial to sometimes examine collaboration with the help of an external expert.


Bravers offers two special tools for this purpose: coaching and development training.

“A team is a group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.”


– Katzenbach & Smith


- Towards Goals Individually or in Groups

Personal or group coaching is an excellent way to dive deeper and develop one’s own or the group’s work, bringing forth unprecedented ideas, perspectives, and solutions.

Individual coaching

On an individual level, coaching helps the client to understand their situation as well as set and achieve meaningful goals. It can uncover hidden opportunities, lead to well-considered decisions, and promote learning and profound development. Individual coaching is suitable for anyone looking to steer their life towards change and growth.

Group coaching

Group coaching is a facilitated discussion where the coach guides the group in exploring, developing, or brainstorming a chosen topic through good questioning or various facilitation techniques. A professional coach takes into account different personalities and communication styles, ensuring everyone's voice is heard and collective wisdom is utilized.

Development Training

- Exploring Team Challenges and Opportunities

In development training, all team members are interviewed individually to form an overall picture of what is already working well in the team and what could be improved. The key points from the interviews are presented and worked on with the team using a solution-focused and dialogic approach. Development training may also include coaching elements as needed. The day’s result is concrete plans on how to develop activities or collaboration. Often, a follow-up meeting is scheduled a few months later to assess progress.

Bravers Sannat



Sanna Salovuori is Bravers’ professional solution-focused coach. Coaching can be done 1:1 or in a group.

Prices for individual coaching in a business environment:

1 session (60 min), 190 € / h
3 sessions (60 min) 540 €
5 sessions (60 min) 875 €
(prices are subject to VAT 24 %)

Mentoring and guidance for leaders and top management is also available by Sanna Fäldt. Please contact us for an offer.

All coaching and guidance processes start with a 30-minute free of charge kick-off discussion.


In case an organization wants to purchase coaching for several individual employees or for a group, prices will be negotiated separately.

Development training

Development training consists of individual interviews as well as joint training and working days. The hourly rate for interviews is €150 / hour (+VAT 24%), and the cost of training days depends on their duration and content.


Example: The cost for development training for a team of ten people, including interviews and two full days of training, is €10,000. Prices are subject to the current VAT rate (24%).

Development Training Case


A domestic medium-sized organization
Team Size < 30


The collaboration and communication within the team were not functioning optimally due to a rapid organizational restructuring and residual issues from the past.


We interviewed all team members and created an analysis of the situation, highlighting the team’s strengths and areas for development in relation to their internal goals. During a joint development and training day, we reviewed the results, discussed them, and worked in small groups to generate ideas and solutions for the most critical development areas. At the end of the day, the ideas were presented and used to create a development plan. Additionally, individual and group coaching was provided to the leaders to support the achievement of these goals. The development project will continue with a half-day training and development session approximately four months after the initial session. During this follow-up, we will analyze together how things have started to change and develop.


The interviews and the joint training day helped participants to see the situation from a broader perspective, engage in deep discussions on even difficult topics, and get to know each other better, which increased good team spirit and trust.